Total Loss Toyota Prius
With great joy, I’m attaching GEICO’s response to my counter offer. GEICO sent me two valuations (both for the same $$ amount), and told me that was their best and final offer. I met with two lawyers researching small claims court options, which was pointless. I filed a complaint with the Utah division of Insurance, But Geico lied during the investigation and the state dropped the complaint. Separately Geico told me that the inspector for CCC ONE who was valuing the car was going to be fired for defrauding the company, and a on third valuation they raised the valuation $60 to be more fair to me. I hired you, and in less than a week of them receiving your valuation, they increased the valuation twice. For a total of nearly grand total of $2000 more. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your help and guidance. This whole ordeal was driving me crazy. I am so grateful I found you. The increased valuation was terrific, but having someone support me through this has been amazing. I WON. Thanks Steven!
Kendall C
– Utah
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